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Vision and Values


OFSTED March 2018

“Governors, other leaders and staff share the school vision and work hard to achieve it.”

Our school statement

We believe that our very strongly held values and vision underline all we do in school. They link with our curriculum and our behaviour expectations and learning attitudes.

At Calmore Infant School we aim to:

  • Know our children so well we can respond to each child as an individual
  • Aim for high standards in learning and behaviour
  • Promote independence, resilience and love of learning
  • Value caring and respective behaviour towards others
  • Encourage co-operation between home and school and build a shared community
  • Respect and value our environment

Our Vision

Calmore Infant School Vision September 2024

Our school is a happy, safe and nurturing environment for our children, staff and wider community. We work together in partnership to understand and embrace differences within our world.

It is a place where we respect our environment, ourselves and value each other; working and learning together as a team.

We are kind and supportive, promoting the well-being of ourselves and others.

Our children learn to be resilient, resourceful, independent and successful.

They will leave us equipped with the skills to be life-long learners.

Our Values

We review our values regularly as a staff, with governors and parents and children. We decided to summarise our values in pictorial form so the children recognise and understand the values and our school ethos that we all want for our school. We refer to our values in assemblies and in our Milly’s Weekly Challenge.

The values incorporate our school learning heroes.